Type: Fanlisting #110
Theme: Prologue ~Fighting Fate~
Featuring: Hope & Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)
Online: September 30, 2017 ~ present
Site: http://hoperai.hatsukoi.org
In Final Fantasy XIII, Lightning was a battle-hardened soldier, and Hope was a lost child who turns to her for guidance. It was initially a mismatched pairing but they learned to overcome their weaknesses together, and their bond continued to deepen as they matured in the sequels. When I was approved for the fanlisting for their relationship, I wanted to show them at different stages of their lives and skinned the site with two layouts – the first featuring young!Hope and Lightning as partners in battle, and the second as partners in life in the future ♥
Version 1 Prologue ~Fighting Fate~ is inspired by the calm before the storm in the first game. I wanted a rugged and cool layout that showed them ready to kick ass and save the world. The scene at the bottom of the design is one of my favorites – Lightning is trying to get Hope to open up about what was troubling him. When he tells her that she wouldn’t understand, she tells him “you and I are partners” ♥