Type: Fanlisting #78
Theme: Butterfly
Featuring: Akanishi Jin
Online: August 8, 2008 ~ November 7, 2011; April 28, 2017 – December 18, 2019
Status: Closed
I easily fell in love with Akanishi Jin, one of the hottest stars to come out of Johnny’s Entertainment ♥ He was the sexy and sultry voice of KAT-TUN, and I loved his wild yet adorable image. I was so sad when he left the group to pursue a solo career, but was glad to see him go international and live his dream.
The design featured a dark and grungy theme featuring a sexy scan of Akanishi. Since he is best friends with Yamapi in real life, I wanted the design to match Yamapi’s layout so most of the style and colors were borrowed over :3 I brought this layout back in 2017 as I preferred this design over version 2.