Type: Fanlisting #39
Featuring: Kaitou Sinbad & Kaitou Jeanne (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne)
Online: February 4, 2005 ~ September 16, 2005
Site: http://kaitou.ichigo.nu
I discovered Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne completely by chance and ended up loving it, thanks to falling for the forbidden love between Nagoya Chiaki & Kusakabe Maron ♥ Their relationship had everything a hopeless romantic could ask for – a playful and cute romance, secret identities and a rivalry, and redemption ♥
Version 1 features Chiaki and Maron as their alter egos Kaitou Sinbad & Kaitou Jeanne in a dark and super sexy layout ♥ This gorgeous artwork always took my breath away with its vivid colors and bold sexiness (Chiaki… where is your sukebe hand grabbing?! O_O). It was a relatively simple design, but I remember it fondly and wish I had kept this layout up longer!