Type: Fanlisting #105
Theme: Part-Time Soldier
Featuring: Sagara Sousuke (Full Metal Panic!)
Online: November 28, 2016 ~ present
Site: http://sousuke.ichigo.nu
It was easy to fall in love with the unstoppable force that is Sagara Sousuke from Full Metal Panic! ♥ He provides a lot of comic relief with his crazy antics and misunderstandings as Kaname’s bodyguard in peaceful Tokyo, but when things get gritty and dangerous, that is when he truly shines. Even when all hope seems lost, he never gives up on saving the most important girl in his life ♥
Version 1 features Sousuke in his Jindai High School uniform, carrying his trusty Glock. His world is constantly threatened by danger, but he is prepared for anything. I wanted to create a light-hearted design that was peaceful yet still cool. It also features his special AS and comrade, the ARX-7 Arbalest ♥