Type: Fanlisting #39
Featuring: Nagoya Chiaki & Kusakabe Maron (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne)
Online: September 16, 2005 ~ September 17, 2007
Site: http://kaitou.ichigo.nu
Version 2 featured a peaceful and relaxing design with Nagoya Chiaki & Kusakabe Maron from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. This time, I wanted the design to focus on the real Chiaki and Maron, and not their sexy kaitou forms ♥
….Or at least, I believed it was Chiaki ^^;;; It later came to my attention from a site visitor that the main image featured Zen, not Chiaki… I was initially in denial, because how could I make a silly mistake like that?! While I know that Chiaki has blue hair, it was not uncommon to see Tanemura-sensei change the hair color of her characters on a whim, and many of her characters tend to look alike anyway. But eventually I accepted that this image was not Chiaki X__X
As a webmistress, this was probably my most embarrassing mistake, and I’m still a little traumatized over it T__T

Chiaki & Maron v3

Type: Fanlisting #39
Featuring: Nagoya Chiaki & Kusakabe Maron (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne)
Online: September 17, 2007 ~ February 12, 2011
Site: http://kaitou.ichigo.nu
Note: Although I did not create Version 3, I am including information about it here for completionist sake.
Version 3 featured an adorable and dainty design of Nagoya Chiaki (as Kaitou Sinbad) & Kusakabe Maron from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. The layout was created by my dear friend Rainie, as part of a layout exchange we participated in ♥ I love the cute and innocent theme of this design :3