Type: Fanlisting #44
Theme: Magical
Featuring: Aram & Hoshina Airi (Merupuri)
Online: March 29, 2005 ~ January 14, 2018
Site: http://airam.ichigo.nu
I absolutely adore the wholesome and cute pairing of Aram & Airi from Merupuri ♥ At first it seemed a little weird to support this relationship, knowing that Aram is just a child while Airi is in high school. But it was adorable (and hilarious!) watching Aram persist his way into Airi’s heart, and they grew on me quickly ♥
Version 1 features the pair in a light and simple design. This image always took my breath away~ I love how protective and possessive he is over her in this scene X3 My one regret about this design was that I airbrushed Aram’s jacket to make it less slutty easier to work with… I should’ve just let his hotness shine through XD;
I love this image so much, I used it again (properly X3) on my Hatsukoi.org layout revamp in 2017 ♥